Prevention magazine gives you healthy solutions you can really live with. Every issue delivers the latest news and trends on health, food, and nutrition, family, fitness, and more!
Let’s Talk Hair
Seek Out Blue
Hack Your Zzz’s
Cannabis and Pregnancy
Bug Bite Alert!
Sweet Relief
How Your Life Today Affects Your Brain in the Future
Is “margarita burn” really a thing?
Garden Fixes • Stubborn pimple? Allergies wreaking havoc? Your next home remedy might be right in your own backyard (or at your local garden center). A host of herbs and plants can help heal everyday ailments.
How to Pick a Shelter Pet
Travel Safely With Your Kitty
What can I do about sun damage on my chest? • This game plan can improve the look of skin and safeguard it going forward.
30-Minute Meal Under $15 • Sweet and Smoky Pork Tenderloin with Pineapple and Peppers
A PERFECT MATCH • Pairing fruit with something savory makes for a special kind of yummy. Try these creative ideas from Marisa Moore, M.B.A., R.D.N., an integrative dietitian at
STRONG SHOULDERS • This move will help strengthen and sculpt your upper back and shoulders—just in time for tank top season!
Summer Fitness Fun! • Looking to switch up how you get moving? Give these seasonal activities a shot.
Natural Benefits of Tomatoes • Brought to Europe from the Andes in the 1500s, tomatoes were once thought poisonous, likely because they’re in the sometimes lethal nightshade family. Now we know they have antioxidants such as vitamin C and carotenoids like lycopene. Lycopene is associated with lower risk of heart disease and certain cancers, says Jennifer Green, N.D., an attending clinician at National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, IL. Try her favorite uses.
Somatic Therapy for Addiction • A mixture of cognitive and physical therapy can help with this difficult health issue.
Natural Sunscreens • What to look for in a product to protect your skin
Food Fights • Arguing about each other’s eating behavior and attitudes? Here’s why, and ways to work through it.
WHAT’S UP WITH… SNORING • Whether it’s a whistle or an air horn, here’s why we do it and how to turn off the racket.
Why Did I Have Cramps and Stabbing Pain? • Searching for an answer led not only to relief, but also to a mission to help others.
ADVENTURES IN DENTAL CARE • You read that right. The brush-and-floss brigade has moved beyond the basics with new thinking, methods, and products that may just modernize your smile maintenance.
DENTAL HABITS • While research shows that one of the most important things you can do for your kids’ teeth is take care of your own, you can also use the strategies below to bolster your children’s oral health.
Why we’re saying goodbye to BMI • Prevention and our sister publication Good Housekeeping will not be using BODY MASS INDEX in our discussions of health anymore. Here’s what’s behind our decision.
GET STRONGER, STARTING TODAY! • For the next two weeks, A FEW SIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE MOVES will be your best friends, boosting your muscle power and your confidence no matter what your age or current fitness level. And Day 1 is so easy, YOU CAN DO IT RIGHT NOW.
MOVES TO MASTER • By the time you finish this full workout challenge, you’ll know these maneuvers inside and out.
HEALTH • IF ONE OF THE EXERCISES FEELS TOO TOUGH, try breaking it up into smaller sets. For example, if you can do only two overhead presses at a time, rest after that, then continue your set.
STRENGTH TRICKS • Get the most out of weight work (and keep...