Tiny fridge, tiny budget, big appetite—a college student's guide to eating well
Early classes, final exams, and the occasional party—college students have enough on their plate without worrying about how to put food on it. The Budget-Friendly College Cookbook is your go-to guide for nutritionally navigating your college years on your own with tasty meals like BBQ Chicken French Bread Pizza and Pesto Pasta in a Mug that require minimal appliances and ingredients.
Learn to cook on a very small budget, put your limited space to good use, and even avoid that notorious Freshman 15. From breakfast to desserts, many of these college cookbook recipes take less than five minutes to prepare, make use of ingredients that don't require refrigeration, and are geared toward small portions. Walk away from college with a lifetime degree in a low-cost nutritional lifestyle.
Inside this college cookbook, you'll find:
Whether you live in a dorm or a tiny apartment, use this college cookbook to eat well on a budget.